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Brown Pressure Treated Cladding

shiplap cladding treated

Ex 16x125 Scandinavian Redwood Shiplap Cladding

Aylward's dense-grained Scandinavian Redwood Shiplap is most commonly used for cladding exterior buildings and typically has to withstand cold and aggressive climates.

 exe vat £9.90  £11.88 3.6m

Pressure treated fencing

Ex 19x100 Scandinavian Redwood Tongue & Grooved (TGV) Cladding


Aylward's dense-grained Scandinavian Redwood Tongue & Groove is most commonly used for cladding exterior buildings and typically has to withstand cold and aggressive climates.

 exe vat £10.63  £12.75  3.6m

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